
Illegal Aliens Dressed in Camouflage Scale Border Wall with Ropes as Smuggler Guides Them (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden’s America.

Illegal aliens dressed in camouflage scaled the border wall in Naco, Arizona while smugglers guided them. This is just one of many tactics that illegals are using to cross into the United States.

It is well planned out because this area of Arizona does not have that many Border Patrol agents. Once they scale the wall, the illegals will run into the desert. They can figure out where the smuggling pick-up areas are from their cell phones which will ping the location. A lot of them successfully get away, but the video does show one woman who was caught by the Border Patrol.

“Agents tell us this happens pretty much every single morning and they do not have the manpower to apprehend most of them,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.