
EXCLUSIVE: Save America Attorney Christina Bobb Discusses 2024 Election, Agrees Kevin McCarthy is “Out of Compliance” and Congress Should Vote to Remove Him as Speaker (VIDEO)

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Trump Save America Attorney Christina Bobb told The Gateway Pundit on Thursday that she agrees with Matt Gaetz, saying that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is “out of compliance” and should be removed.

On the same day that McCarthy announced he was finally directing House committees to open an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was still unimpressed.

The Gateway Pundit reported last Tuesday that Gaetz threatened to remove Speaker McCarthy for being out of compliance with the agreement that allowed him to assume his role.

“You’re Out of Compliance” – Rep. Gaetz Threatens to Remove Speaker McCarthy (VIDEO)

This comes as the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Biden family confirmed what we already knew: Joe Biden and Hunter Biden were involved in foreign business deals and bribery schemes when Joe Biden was Vice President.