
Will Armenia Follow Ukraine? Prime Minister Pashinyan Brings Armenia to the Brink of Disaster

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Guest post by Arthur Sargsyan

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan

There is perhaps no clearer example in the post-Soviet region than Ukrainian President Zelensky, a former comedian whose lack of professionalism led to a devastating war, the destruction of entire cities, and the deaths of thousands, yet the current leader of Armenia, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, seems to have chosen to repeat the same mistakes as his Ukrainian counterpart.

Nikol Pashinyan came to power in Armenia in 2018 after working as a journalist and publishing opposition newspapers, in which he strongly criticized the authorities. He gained significant political influence during his year and a half in prison, later became a member of parliament, and with the help of mass disobedience actions backed by the US and EU,