
NYT Does Some Surprising Journalism and Finds That Deadly Missile Strike On Kostantinovka Market Was Caused by Ukrainian Air Defense Mishap – NOT Russian Attack

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Not many things are more surprising these days than when the mainstream media does some real investigating of facts that don’t align with the preferred narrative of their Globalist overlords. That’s rare.

And if the journalism finds facts that debunk the propaganda disseminated by Ukraine and the NATO apparatus, then it is an even rarer occasion that needs celebrating.

To top it all, the most surprising aspect is that the disclosure of the truth about the missile attack in Kostantyinovka comes as Zelensky arrives in New York for the United Nations General Assembly.

On September 6th, a missile strike on the city of Kostantinovka, in eastern Ukraine, turned out to be one of the deadliest in the country in the last months,