
SICK! Lawless AG Merrick Garland Lectures on Holocaust to Defend His Policies of Persecuting, Indicting and Imprisoning His Political Opponents (VIDEO)

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This is one very evil little man.  No wonder Barack Obama wanted him on the US Supreme Court!

After indicting the leading presidential candidate in America on bogus, manufactured, partisan charges Merrick Garland had the nerve on Wednesday to compare his ancestors fleeing Eastern Europe during the Holocaust to his lawless targeting, indicting and imprisoning of conservative Americans.

Here is an example of lawless Merrick Garland’s record of tyranny:

** Hired a political hitman to take out Donald Trump.
** Launched a Special Counsel to investigate President Trump’s handling of classified documents while he was working with the DOJ at the time.
** Ignored Joe Biden and Mike Pence’s likely criminal action of holding classified documents at the same time.