
J6 Political Prison Barry Ramsey: ‘I am on a Mission to Expose the DOJ for Their Prosecutorial Misconduct’

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The Gateway Pundit reported in August that J6 political prisoner Barry Ramey was stabbed in the face for watching Tucker Carlson in prison.  In a letter to TGP, Barry sounded the alarm on the abuse he and other J6 defendants are enduring from bigoted correction officers while being detained for nearly two years.

Barry shared, “What we the Jan6ers went through at Northern Neck Regional Jail was egregious on so many levels that I’m not sure I have enough ink in my pen or pages in my notebook to list them all. I will do my best to give you, the reader, a shorter and more condensed version of it all. Just know that trying to explain what Northern Neck was like to someone who has never been there,