
Long-Tenured Referee Ken Mauer Sues NBA After Being Forced Out for Objecting to COVID Vaccine- League Freezes His Pension (Video)

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Ken Mauer

Ken Mauer is one of the longest-tenured referees in NBA history. His career spanned five decades and he officiated over 2,100 regular season games.

That all came to an abrupt end when he was forced out of the league for his faith-based objections to the hastily-developed COVID injection.

As further punishment, the NBA is now withholding Mauer’s pension and trying to bankrupt him in court.

Ken shares, “My story is like so many other Americans. My career was destroyed and my retirement put under threat because I stood up and said ‘no’ to forced medical procedures. The hypocrisy of the NBA is stunning, as they’re letting players PLAY, but I can no longer referee – a craft I spent my life doing and loved!”

Watch Ken’s story below.