
REVEALED: Feds Blocked Probe Into ‘Criminal Violations’ Involving Joe Biden’s 2020 Campaign and Politically Connected Lawyer Who Paid Hunter’s Large Tax Debts

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Remember when President Trump got indicted on 34 felony counts for campaign finance violations for making ‘hush payments’ to Stormy Daniels?

The FBI and IRS investigated criminal campaign violations involving Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign and a politically connected lawyer who paid Hunter Biden’s large tax debts.

However, according to congressional investigators, federal prosecutors inside US Attorney Dave Weiss’s office blocked agents from pursuing the campaign finance violation case.

Was the politically connected lawyer’s payoff of Hunter Biden’s tax debt a contribution to Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign?

Hollywood attorney Kevin Patrick Morris paid off Hunter Biden’s past-due tax debts according to CBS.

“A source familiar with the arrangement between Morris and Hunter Biden said the attorney paid Hunter Biden’s past-due tax debts,” CBS reported.