
Leaked Images Show What Biden Admin Plans to Hand Out to Illegals at Border

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Young men who identified themselves as Venezuelans stream across the border near Eagle Pass, Texas.

The Biden administration has a strange new ID card for illegal immigrants.

A cynic might wonder if they will need those cards when they vote.

On Thursday, Fox News reported that it had obtained images of the new ICE Secure Docket Card, which features, among other things, a QR code.

As one might expect with something called a “docket card,” the QR code will link to court documents.

ICE called it a “consistent, verifiable, secure card” for “provisionally released noncitizens.”

Such jargon always conceals mischief. In this case, “provisionally released noncitizens” means people who entered the United States illegally, but whom the government now allows to stay.
