
Radical Left Mich. AG Says Trump Electors “Brainwashed”, Hurts her own Prosecution, Brags about Dem Judicial Bias

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This past week extreme-left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel admitted to a friendly left-wing group that she couldn’t get 2020 Trump Electors in Michigan to flip and falsely testify against one another because they were “brainwashed” and actually believed that Trump won the 2020 election. Nessel’s statements are captured on video.

Here is the transcript of what Nessel said to a secret group of elite Democrat funders:

AG NESSEL: “People talk a lot about, oh, why don’t you start flipping some of those people [2020 Michigan Trump Electors] so that they can become witnesses against the remaining defendants, the worst acting defendants. The problem is, these are people who have been brainwashed.