
Education Secretary Cardona: Parents Concerned About Education Are “Misbehaving in Public and Acting Like They Know What’s Right for Kids”

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Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona

Children, and the parents who try to protect them and advocate for them, are under attack in America’s schools.

Openly pornographic materials are being offered to children as young as elementary school.

Organizations boast about how they sneak sick sexual and LGBTQ+ content into children’s classrooms without parental knowledge.

The Los Angeles Unified School District supports a gay club for kindergarten students through age 11 and students throughout the county have been exposed to Drag Queen Story Hours.

Far-left Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib even claimed that concerned parents speaking out at school board meetings about Critical Race Theory (CRT) is “white supremacy.”

FBI whistleblowers revealed that the bureau targeted parents who protested CRT and Covid rules despite Attorney General Merrick Garland’s claims it never happened.