
Biden Regime Spends $800,000 On “Harm Reduction” Program That Distributes Crack Pipes In Texas

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The Biden Regime never seems to get anything right. Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given out to addicts to enable their ongoing addiction.

Since last year, the Department of Health and Human Services has been handing out “smoke kits.”

The Dallas Express reported:

The Biden administration’s “harm reduction” program funds a Texas organization that distributes crack pipes, possibly violating state law, according to an investigation by The Dallas Express.

Since last year, the El Paso Alliance has received nearly $800,000 from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of the nation’s first federal harm reduction program. The group distributes “smoke kits” to drug addicts and told a reporter from The Dallas Express that such kits include a “small,