
NBC News Poll Shows Tighter Biden-Trump Race Than ABC/WaPo Poll, But Has Similar Uptick for Trump and Disastrous Downward Trend for Biden

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NBC news also released a poll on the presidential race on Sunday following the bombshell ABC News/Washington Post poll that has President Trump leading Joe Biden by ten points, 52 to 42 percent. The NBC News poll of 1000 registered voters (margin of error 3.1 percent) has the race tied at 46-46, but closely matches the uptick for support for Trump and the disastrous downward trend for Biden seen in the ABC/WaPo poll. Biden led Trump 49 to 45 in the June NBC poll. With third party candidates in the mix, Trump leads Biden 39 to 36 percent with generic Libertarian and No Labels candidates garnering five percent each and the Green Party getting four percent.

NBC News poll question shows Trump and Biden tied after Biden lost support over the summer,  » READ MORE