
Nebraska Woman Who Helped Daughter Kill Grandchild in Womb, Then Burned and Hid Body, Sentenced to 2 Years

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Jessica Burgess, age 42, of Norfolk, Nebraska was sentenced on Friday to two years in prison for the crime of assisting in killing her grandchild with pharmaceuticals and desecrating the body and burying it in a field.

Jessica Burgess, mother of Celeste Burgess

The child was reportedly 29 weeks old, which is well within the age of viability when some children born prematurely can survive outside the womb with medical assistance. Full-term babies are considered 37-42 weeks.

An unborn baby at 29 weeks development

Notably most media outlets when covering the case refrain from explaining how far along the baby was, leaving out the point of development a child would be at by 29 weeks.