
Surprise Accountability Office Inspections Find Grotesque Pattern at US Military Barracks – Our Troops Deserve So Much Better

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Inspectors found overflowing toilets, mold and pests in the U.S. military barracks.

The men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to keep America safe deserve to have clean, comfortable, sanitary barracks. That should be the bare minimum our military should be able to promise them.

Instead, according to a new report published Tuesday from the Government Accountability Office, inspections of 12 military installations found squalid hovel-like conditions — something that, according to Military.com, “confirm[s]] complaints made by many service members for many years.”

The report, which ran nearly 100 pages, detailed the grotesque conditions our troops face: mold, sewage, brown water, bedbugs and even squatters.

The enemy within: Horrific photos show overflowing sewage, filth and squalor in military barracks – with SQUATTERS breaking in and troops even forced to clean up after service member committed suicide https://t.co/4ctFJdJ2jy pic.twitter.com/DjI1u4DuGM

— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) September 22,