
What Is Wrong With Canada?

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A few months ago I wrote a piece on the Nazi heritage of  Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada. Chrystia insists there are no Nazis or Nazi sympathizers in her family tree. This is simply not true (you can read my piece here). Well, it looks like the love of the Third Reich is not confined to Ms. Freeland. Just the other day, while Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the Canadian Parliament, the Canadians thought it a swell idea to wildly celebrate an elderly gent who was part of the Waffen SS. What is wrong with these people?

Mr. Yaraslov Hunka is a former Ukrainian soldier of the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division. He was praised by the Speaker of Parliament for “fighting for Ukraine’s independence against the Russians” during World War II.