
Illegals Sleep on Floor of NYC Hotel as NYC Hits Deadline for “Stay Limit”

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As New York City’s deadline for the “Stay Limit” of 60 days passes for many of the illegals that have flowed into the city thanks to Joe Biden’s broken border, hotels are now grappling with scores of them sleeping on the floor in lobbies and, in the case of one hotel, the bar.

Anyone in need in the city is guaranteed a bed in the city’s shelter system under the “Right to Shelter” mandate.  However, this decades old mandate could not have foreseen the invasion New York is facing today.

According to The New York Post, illegals  “have been sleeping on the floor of an old bar at the Big Apple’s Roosevelt Hotel shelter ‘for days’ — as the first wave of asylum seekers were being booted from city sites under its stay-limit rule.”

The Roosevelt Hotel serves the city’s main intake center.