
Did Zelensky Scam Trudeau With An Elderly Nazi? — UPDATE

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Yaroslav Hunka, the 98 year old former member of a Nazi SS Division, detonated a public relations bomb with his Friday appearance before the Canadian Parliament and it is continuing to set off secondary and tertiary explosions. Unbelievable. But this is not just a story about Canada celebrating a Nazi murderer. I think the real story is that Ukraine’s President Zelensky played a direct role in making this happen. Why? Because Ukraine reportedly put out a stamp Monday with Hunka’s elderly mug featured prominently with the accompanying title, “Heroes Don’t Die.” Let that settle in for a minute. Why did Zelensky, a Jew, order the pre-production of a stamp celebrating a retired member of the Waffen SS as a “Hero” before he showed up in Canada?  » READ MORE