
Halloween Display Showing Jesus Decapitated Sparks Protests In New Orleans

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A controversial Halloween display that depicts Satan holding a decapitated head of Jesus has sparked protests in New Orleans.

Vic Miorana of Bucktown which is part of the New Orleans Metropolitan area, has members of his community in an uproar after he raised a two-story display of a bloodied Jesus decapitated on the cross in his front yard.

After receiving calls to take down the display Miorana refused and said “It’s over the principle. I have my rights and I refuse to back down.”

He continued  “Religious churches and things scare people, they make you uncomfortable and they pull a different reaction, but it’s nothing you don’t see in a scary movie, video games or a haunted house.”

In response to Miorana refusing to take down his display many members of churches all over Louisiana have been protesting outside of his house.