
HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Rambles During Arizona Speech: “June 6th Insurrection” – Then Shuffles Off Stage (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden on Thursday delivered remarks honoring the late Senator John McCain at the Tempe Center for The Arts in Tempe, Arizona. He also laughably focused his speech on the ‘state of democracy.’

At one point radical far-left climate protesters crashed the show and interrupted Biden’s speech. The protestors were screaming about “declaring a climate emergency.”

“Why have you yet to declare a climate emergency?” The protestor shouted. “Hundreds of Arizonans have died! Hundreds of Arizonians have died!”

Biden was a confused rambling mess throughout his speech.

“We were founded on an idea… that we are all created equal, endowed by our — in the image of God — endowed by our creator to be able to be treated equal throughout our lives!” Biden said.