
California Passes Law to Mandate “Certified Voting System” After Shasta CO Goes to Hand-Counted Paper Ballots – Shasta Supervisor Kevin Crye Facing Recall

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In January 2023, as reported by The Gateway Pundit, Shasta County, CA courageously voted to end their contract with Dominion Voting Systems during a tense meeting of the county supervisors.  Supervisor Patrick Jones led the charge to end the contract while Supervisors Chris Kelstrom and Kevin Crye joined him in the 3-2 vote to terminate.

The then-acting county CEO, Patrick Minturn said it would cost the county at least $1 million to bring in new electronic voting systems and train employees.  So Shasta County supervisors instead voted not to bring in any voting machine and instead resort to hand-marked, hand-counted paper ballots.  This apparently struck a nerve with some locals and the State Assembly.

Since the vote for a hand-marked,