
WAYNE ROOT: We are Living in a Communist Police State. Why Wasn’t That the Main Topic of GOP Presidential Debate?

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Things got off to a shaky start at the GOP presidential primary debate on Wednesday night when Fox Business moderator Stuart Varney struggled to say his co-moderator Ilia Calderón's name.

By Wayne Allyn Root

Outside of President Trump (and an assist to Vivek Ramaswamy), the GOP is clueless, delusional and in denial.

They don’t seem to understand we are living in a communist police state.

And that the same Deep State that is weaponized against President Trump (their own leading candidate for President) will soon be used against every Republican candidate…and eventually every Republican donor and voter…until we no longer exist.

That should have been the main topic of the GOP presidential debate Wednesday night. This is the issue of the decade…of the century…of our lifetime…of our future. This is all there is.

If this communist police state isn’t repudiated, defeated and literally criminalized out of existence…

America is finished.