
New York City Residents Display Sign Over Freeway: CLOSE THE F***ING BORDER!

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Last week, ten residents of Staten Island, NY were arrested during a skirmish with police while they were protesting the bussing in of illegal immigrants.  Residents attempted to block the entrance for buses carrying the illegals into the Midland Beach assisted-living facility.  This facility in Midland Beach is believed to be the same facility that evicted a 95-year-old Korean War veteran to make way for the illegal border crossers.

Protesters arrested by NYPD for blocking a bus carrying illegal migrants into Staten Island (source: The Western Journal)

According to CBS, the Island Shores facility was put up for sale in 2022, and residents were told to move out.  However, the CBS article claims that local officials believed the 288-bed facility was going to be turned into an asylum shelter instead.