
Why Neutralizing the Iranian Regime’s Suppression of the Next Liberal Uprising Matters

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Image: Mostafameragi Wikimedia Commons

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Julian Spencer-Churchill
Real Clear Wire

A year has passed since the triggering of the nationwide women-led protests in Iran on September 16, 2022, by the murder of Mehsa Amini at the hands of the moral police on the pretext of not wearing a full hijab. Aside from economic issues, this is the most controversial social-political issue in Iran since the 1979 revolution. The disruptive but peaceful demonstrations endured for four months until early January 2023, when they succumbed to the regime’s strategy of repression and conciliation. The West played little part in facilitating the reformist social-movement, which is a foreign policy error given the salience of Iran’s geostrategic position in the Persian Gulf,