
Breaking: Matt Gaetz Says He Will File Motion to Vacate This Week – a Call to Remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker (VIDEO)

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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) joined ABC’s This Week and CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday following the vote last night by the US House of Representatives to avert a shutdown with a 45-Day Stop-Gap Resolution that did not fund Ukraine.

The vote on Saturday was delayed after unhinged Marxist Democrat Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm to shut down Congress and evacuate the Cannon Building – Something that should land him in prison for several years going by the J6 defendants’ standards.

Gaetz told Jon Karl on ABC’s This Week that his plan to bring forward a House vote on Kevin McCarthy’s speakership.

JUST IN: After shutdown drama, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz tells @JonKarl that he is going to file a motion this week to have House Speaker Kevin McCarthy removed from his position.