
Dr. Scott Atlas: Politicians and Doctors Still Pushing COVID-19 Vaccines Are a Complete Disgrace (VIDEO)

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Dr. Scott Atlas resigned from his post as a temporary coronavirus advisor to President Trump in November 2020. Dr. Atlas was brought on in August 2020 as a special government employee for 130 days. Atlas resigned before his tenure ran out. Atlas’ less restrictive approach to the pandemic, especially on lockdowns and school closures was seen by many Trump supporters as a counter-point to the restrictive, doctrinaire views of leading White House Coronavirus Task Force members Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx.

Fauci and Birx destroyed millions of lives and killed millions of people with their COVID policies that prevented any promising medications from being distributed to the masses.

Dr. Atlas was pushed out of the COVID team despite the scientific evidence he brought to the team that was rejected.