
House RINOs Reportedly Looking to Expel Matt Gaetz Based on the Findings from the Ongoing Ethics Committee Investigation: “We Want Him Out”

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A faction within the Republican Party is reportedly considering the expulsion of Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) based on anticipated findings from an upcoming House ethics report.

Multiple unnamed House Republicans have reportedly stated that they want Gaetz gone from the caucus.

A recent report from CNN cited an unnamed House Republican stating that the caucus “wants Gaetz gone,” indicating a willingness to use an ongoing Ethics Committee investigation into Gaetz as grounds for his expulsion. This investigation is reportedly probing allegations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, or other misconduct by Gaetz.

“We want him out,” the unnamed member reportedly said.

Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich further reported that House Republicans are actively preparing to oust Gaetz,