
WATCH: Shameless Jake Tapper and AOC Spit Out Lie after Lie to Protect Blowhard Insurrectionist Jamaal Bowman Who Pulled Fire Alarm to Shut Down Congress (VIDEO)

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Predictable. AOC and Jake Tapper lie up and down to defend unhinged lunatic Jamaal Bowman who pulled a fire alarm to shut down Congress.

This was a perfect Sunday segment that exposes the lies you are fed every day by the psychopaths in the Democrat Party and their cohorts in the far-left, mainstream media.

On Saturday, unhinged Democrat Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled a fire alarm in the US Capitol building to shut down Congressional proceedings. The Cannon Building was evacuated after this criminal action by Marxist Democrat Bowman.

Bowman’s actions were aimed at obstructing a crucial vote that would have kept the government operational.

The Capitol Police later released the photo. Bowman knew exactly what he was doing.