
Marxists Play Smashmouth: Mike Lindell’s MyPillow Under IRS Audit for Alleged Unlawful Employment Practices (VIDEO)

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In recent news, Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a staunch supporter of President Trump and conservative politics, revealed that his company is under IRS audit for allegedly employing workers illegally.

This comes on the heels of his recent challenges, including his bank accounts closure, his factory equipment being auctioned off, networks refusing to air his commercials, multiple defamation lawsuits filed against him, and credit reductions from American Express, all because of his political beliefs rather than any genuine issues related to his business practices.

The Gateway Pundit reported last week that American Express has slashed the credit line of Mike Lindell’s MyPillow by a staggering 90%. This comes after a 15-year partnership between the two companies.