
A Tale of Hypocrisy: Sanctuary State Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker Pressures Joe Biden for Immediate Federal Intervention Regarding Illegal Alien Invasion

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In a display of political theater, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has penned a letter to Joe Biden, urging him to take action on the migrant crisis that has been overwhelming the state.

The irony is palpable. For years, Illinois has been a self-proclaimed sanctuary for illegal immigrants, with a history of immigrant-friendly policies, including the Immigrant Tenants Protection Act and the TRUST Act, which generally prohibits local law enforcement from participating in immigration enforcement.

Chicago, the state’s largest city, has a Welcoming City Ordinance that ensures the city will not inquire about one’s immigration status, disclose that information to authorities, or deny city services based on immigration status.

This sanctuary status dates back to 1985 and has been a point of pride for many Illinois residents,