
WATCH LIVE: Kevin McCarthy Addresses Media After Speaker Ouster: ‘I Will NOT Run for Speaker Again’ – House GOP Schedules New Speaker Election for Next Wednesday

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As TGP’s Jordan Conradson previously reported, Matt Gaetz’s motion to vacate the chair against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Passed after a vote on the House Floor Tuesday. He is no longer Speaker of the House.

Now we have breaking news that there will not be another 20 round marathon trying to elect Kevin McCarthy again. He will not run for Speaker again and had the gall to quote Lou Gehrig while explaining why.

Jake Sherman from Punchbowl News was the first to break this story.

BREAKING NEWS — KEVIN MCCARTHY will not run for speaker again.

He is about to make the announcement in closed GOP meeting

w @bresreports

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 3,