
Our Nation’s Capital: CVS Drug Store Twenty Blocks from White House Has Bare Shelves From Child Shoplifting Mobs Who Routinely Loot Store Before and After School (Video)

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A CVS drug store in Northwest Washington, D.C. located in the Columbia Heights neighborhood about twenty blocks north of the White House is being routinely looted by mobs of forty-five or more school children and others to the point that the store just has mostly bare shelves in aisle after aisle. Fox affiliate WTTG-TV reported that children steal and destroy merchandise before and after school, as well as late at night, while others steal items that apparently end up being sold by nearby street vendors as part of a crime ring that plans robberies around the store’s delivery times for products to steal.

The store is located at 3031 14th St. NW, near Irving St.

The WTTG news crew witnessed school children looting the store,