
DC’s Revolving Door Is Swinging Briskly for the Eco-Green Eyeshade People

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User:Cndrblw26, Wikimedia Commons

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Kevin Mooney
Real Clear Wire

Washington’s revolving door is getting a fresh green paint job: Federal architects of a controversial new rule requiring businesses to measure their carbon footprints throughout their supply chains have joined a start-up company poised to reap millions by performing those calculations.

At least three ranking Securities and Exchange Commission officials have joined Persefoni, a company formed in 2020 for the purpose of measuring such footprints of large business enterprises.

Documents show that the SEC relied on input from the for-profit company to draft the proposed rule. Some critics argue that the estimates from Persefoni low-balled the price tags unrealistically for such accounting to make them more politically palatable.