
Tom Renz: Party Over Principles? What is Happening with Levin and Gingrich?

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This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Photo: Gage Skidmore
Party Over Principles? What is Happening with Levin and Gingrich?

Guest post by Attorney Tom Renz

Opinion – Tom Renz – Renz is an Attorney, Analyst, and commentator. You can follow his substack at TomRenz.SubStack.com and his work generally at TomRenz.com. He also has a GiveSendGo to support his work at https://www.givesendgo.com/RENZLAW.

With due respect to a couple guys I normally like their reaction is bulls&$t. Mark Levin and Newt Gingrich are out bashing Matt Gaetz and the other seven Republicans that had the courage to what no one else would do by standing on principle.