
WATCH: Brave Investigative Reporter Ben Bergquam Records Coyotes Trafficking Illegals Across Border, Calls Law Enforcement Who Have No Extra Personnel to Respond to Breach (VIDEO)

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Real America’s Voice correspondent and host of Law and Border, Ben Bergquam, posted a new video on Wednesday exposing the invasion at our Southern Border, where he caught coyotes preparing to bring groups of people across the border.

Law enforcement was nowhere to be found, and they were unable to respond to his call. This is Biden and the Democrats’ lawless border.

Law and Border, the best border series on TV, airs roughly once a month on Real America’s Voice. Bergquam is the best journalist ever to cover the US-Mexico border in history! The latest episodes of his show can be found here.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Ben Bergquam’s brave reporting.