
WATCH: Fed-Up Portuguese Drivers Take Matters into Their Own Hands After Idiot “Climate Change” Activists Block Busy Highway

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Credit: @EndWokeness

Lisbon,Portugal – Now that is how you deal with moronic climate activists trying to disrupt daily lives of ordinary citizens.

The Portugal Resident reported that nine “climate change” activists from the anti-capitalist group Climáximo on Tuesday morning sat on Lisbon’s Segunda Circular highway to protest the nearby energy company Galp. Two of the idiots also hung from the cables of a bridge blocking the highway.

Fox News reported that roughly a dozen fed-up motorists then took matters into their own hands to swiftly end the “climate change” protest.

In the video below, you can see drivers honk their horns at the morons sitting in the road. Their next step is to jump out of their vehicles,