
DEMS IN DISARRAY: AOC Whines Over Joe Biden’s Sudden Reversal on Border Wall – Makes Ridiculous Statement About America Contributing to Illegal Immigration (VIDEO)

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Credit: The Daily Mail

Who does not love good old-fashioned blue-on-blue crime? AOC whined over Joe Biden’s epic flip-flop on border security and embarrassed herself further with a ridiculous statement about the US contributing to illegal immigration.

As The Gateway Pundit’s Brian Lupo reported Thursday, the Joe Biden decided to reverse course and build a border wall segment presumably in response to atrocious polls. In the process, his regime bulldozed over environmental, historical preservation, and Native American gravesite protections statutes in the process.

In total, 26 federal laws were waived to allow border construction as Cristina Laila noted. Biden astoundingly claimed he had “no choice” in the matter and actually did not support the wall.