
UPDATE: McCarthy Refutes Report that He Will Resign – Plans to Run for Reelection in 2024

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Update: The Hill reports the rumor that former Speaker Kevin McCathy planned to resign from his seat is not true.  McCarthy announce he not only will not resign, he plans to run for reelection in 2024.

#BREAKING: Rep. Kevin McCarthy announced that he is not resigning from his seat and plans to run for reelection in 2024, shooting down reports that he is considering stepping down following his stunning ouster as Speaker earlier this week. https://t.co/qZ1kThXRoX pic.twitter.com/8bHoikqDIK

— The Hill (@thehill) October 6, 2023

Kevin McCarthy, the shortest-ever serving House Speaker speaker since 1876, is reportedly considering resigning from Congress before the end of his term.