
WATCH: 17 Ukrainian Servicemen Surrender at Once – Russian Drones Drop Leaflets With Instructions, Volga Radio Frequency Is ‘A Way Out of the Meat Grinder’

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Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive claimed 77k troops for a handful of meaningless razed villages and less than 1% of territory reclaimed.

Add to that the foreign aid getting disrupted both in the USA and Europe, and you understand why the crumbling morale has set in.

Today’s images of AFU fighters surrendering ‘en masse’ near Donetsk speaks volumes.

WATCH: 17 Ukrainian soldiers surrender at once.

Ukraine Watch reported:

“A group of 17 AFU fighters surrendered because their command left them holding a position without ammunition. 

The AFU unit could not bear to be under constant fire from the Russian army and decided to save their lives.