
Nazis Everywhere: Resurfaced Membership Card Shows Grandfather of Dutch King, Prince Bernard, Lied for Decades About Being a Member of the Nazi Party

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The Dutch Royal family is haunted by a past that won’t stay hidden forever.

Now, the discovery of a ‘Nazi membership card’ in the name of late Dutch Prince Bernhard, a German grandfather to the Dutch King, revived calls on Friday for an inquiry into his ties to Adolf Hitler’s party.

As the claims that long dogged the prince were confirmed, the country’s leading Jewish group as well as opposition politicians, are up in arms.

Reuters reported:

“Prince Bernhard, the grandfather of Dutch King Willem Alexander, died in 2004. He consistently denied having been a Nazi although he did acknowledge membership of several Nazi military units, saying it was common for men of his age at the time.”

There always was suspicion that the prince had been a Nazi party member,