
WATCH: Israel Mom Whose Children Were Abducted by Hamas Terrorists Goes Off on Vile Andrea Mitchell for Asking a Dumb Question About the Nation’s Justified Attacks Against Gaza

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Credit: Townhall/MSNBC screenshot

Monday on MSNBC served as yet another example why Andrea Mitchell is one of the worst “journalists” in America.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, Hamas has committed multiple horrific atrocities since invading Israel Saturday. These include gunning down peaceful Israelis at a dance party, raping and abducting young Israeli women, and beheading Israeli soldiers. Hamas has even chopped off the heads of little babies and gunned down entire families in their beds.

Mitchell hosted an Israeli mom whose two children were abducted by Hamas. She had the audacity to ask a callous and dumb question implying concern over Israel daring to retaliate against these medieval terrorists against Gaza.