
After Backlash Against 31 Student Groups Supporting Hamas Killers and Threats of Wall Street Boycott – Harvard University President Releases Statement Condemning Hamas

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Harvard University President Claudine Gay

31 Harvard University student groups signed a letter blaming Israel as “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ barbaric slaughter of innocent Israelis including 260 young adults at a concert on Saturday morning.

The Harvard students stand with those committing war crimes, shooting children in bed, and cutting babies’ heads off.

Over 1,000 Jews were killed in the mass murder spree including 20 Americans.
The youths at Harvard support this.

What a wonderful university!

The public reaction to this public letter by Harvard students has been near-universal disgust,

Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman called on Harvard on Wednesday to release all of the names of the students that are members of these 31 anti-Semitic campus groups.