
HORRIFIC MILESTONE: 1000 Days Incarcerated with NO TRIAL for Jan 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang – His New Documentary ‘Patriots Day’ Drops Today!

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Today, Friday the 13th, is Jake Lang’s official 1,000th day of incarceration without a trial!

Jake Lang has suffered 1,000 days of torture and destruction and the absence of Constitutional rights for 1,000 days now. Jake’s story is enough to send shivers down your spine.

Jake Lang shares, “It seems like an eternity, but if not for God – I never would have made it this long as a POW.’

Jake was thrown in prison as a 25-year-old young man with no prior criminal record. Now he is looking at his 29th birthday in just a few months. And all of this without the right to face his accusers and prove his innocence at trial – the most basic and fundamental right in these United States.