
‘Scholar’ Claims Jihadis Have Permission to Kill Israelis ‘Wherever They May Be’

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This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

In ‘Palestine, Israel, or abroad’

A member of the Palestine Scholars Association in the Diaspora, Mahmoud Al-Shajrawi, is on video boasting about a new “fatwa” issued by his organization that allows the murders of Israelis “wherever they may be.”

The stunning claim was captured by the Middle East Media Research Institute:

Dr. Mahmoud Al-Shajrawi of the Palestine Scholars Association in the Diaspora: A “Wonderful” New Fatwa Permits Killing Israelis Wherever They May Be – in Palestine, Israel, or Abroad #antisemitism #Hamas #Palestinians#Israel_under_attack pic.twitter.com/hjEd7NKNrO

— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) October 12,