
Worldwide “Day of Jihad”: France Vows to EXPEL All Hamas Terror Supporters, Teacher Killed by Jihadi

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Hamas has called for a worldwide “Day of Jihad” today, Friday the 13th, as terror supporters throng the streets of US and European cities, preaching death and Jihad. A teacher was stabbed to death in the French town of Arras, near Calais, and two people injured. The French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said that terror supporters will be “immediately expelled.”

“Pro-Palestinian demonstrations must be prohibited because they are likely to generate disturbances to the public order,” said French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, adding that any organization of such protests will lead to arrests. Darmanin  said that foreigners committing acts of anti-Semitism on French soil will be “immediately expelled.”

A teacher was murdered and two other people seriously wounded in a stabbing attack in the French town of Arras today (Friday),