
House Republicans Introduce Bill to Safeguard National Security by Blocking Entry of Palestinian Refugees

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Photo: Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images

House Republicans have introduced a bill that would prevent the United States from accepting any new Palestinian refugees emerging from the current crisis in Gaza.

The legislation, known as the “Guaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission Act” or the GAZA Act, is being spearheaded by Reps. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) and Andy Ogles (R-TN).

The GAZA Act aims to prevent the Biden regime from granting visas to any holder of a Palestinian passport. Additionally, the bill would bar the Department of Homeland Security from allowing Palestinians into the United States through the agency’s parole program, the New York Post reported.

“We can’t let President Biden abuse our parole and visa rules to bring unvetted Palestinians into American communities the way he did with thousands of unvetted Afghans,” said Rep.