
Matt Gaetz Says It’s Time to “Turn Up The Heat” on Patrick McHenry to Schedule Election for New Speaker – Rep. Dan Bishop Calls Jim Jordan’s RINO Opponents “The Swampiest Pieces of The Republican Conference” (VIDEO)

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Many popular GOP Congressmen are calling out their RINO colleagues to schedule an election and support Jim Jordan for Speaker of The House, warning that Republicans may lose the speakership to the Democrat Nominee due to RINO opposition.

Ironically, the same RINOs who warned before McCarthy was ousted that we might have a Democrat speaker are the same people holding out on voting for the Republican Nominee.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) won the GOP nomination for Speaker of The House on Friday, beating out Steve Scalise ally Austin Scott of Georgia. However, 55 RINOs pledged not to vote for Jordan in the Speaker election. They would rather have a RINO continue to sell out our country.