
Mounting Debt and Little Enthusiasm Threatens Mike Pence’s Campaign – Former VP Forced to Invest $150,000 into His Own Campaign

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Turncoat Mike Pence has made it his campaign strategy to insult, smear, and attack his former running mate and President Trump at every stop and in every mainstream media interview.

Last week Mike Pence blamed President Trump after for the attack by Hamas on Israel. In back to back attacks in a speech in Iowa last Saturday after the massive slaughter by Hamas in Israel and on CNN interview on Sunday, Pence accused Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy of “appeasement” and “signaling retreat.” It was an insane assertion.

Later in the week Pence attacked President Trump for his statements on Hezbollah, a terror group that was noticeably silent during his administration. Steve Bannon laid into him for that one.