
Bayefsky: The UN Has Blood on Its Hands in Denying Israel Its Right to Self-Defense

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Human rights activist Anne Bayefsky and founder of EyeontheUN.org contributed a must-read analysis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the horrendous response by the United Nations since the assault was launched over one week ago.

Hamas terrorists murdered 1,300 Jews and took another 120 Jews hostage back to Gaza.

Immediately after the attack, before the bodies were collected and identified the United Nations was already lecturing Israel and making disgusting comparisons to the Palestinian war crimes and Israel’s response to the carnage.

Young Israelis party on Saturday morning as Hamas fighters fly paragliders in the background in to kill them.

Via The Times of Israel.

The butchery of 1,300 Israelis in a single day and the UN response to the atrocity have made one fact crystal clear: the United Nations has Jewish blood on its hands.