
Joe Biden Campaign Joins President Trump’s TruthSocial Platform

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Did hell just freeze over?  Joe Biden, in some form or fashion, has joined President Trump’s social media platform TruthSocial today.  The Biden campaign account, BidenHQ, Truthed for the first time this afternoon:


The account currently has 1.25k followers and is following just one account:  @RealDonaldTrump (although this is probably default setting).  Podcaster and citizen journalist Behizy appears to be the first to respond on the Biden page by saying “The 2020 election was rigged and Trump won”:

The Biden campaign just posted its first Truth Social post, and I just became the first person to welcome them to the platform pic.twitter.com/UdYy6iGxrN

— George (@BehizyTweets) October 16,